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DARNING THE SQUARE was a participatory project in the urban space of Warsaw carried out in cooperation with "UÅ›piona KsiÄ™garnia". On an October afternoon, we invited Prague residents, friends and passers-by to fill/repair a piece of gray urban space with colorful fabrics. The action lasted 3 hours. Participating in the joint activity brought a lot of joy. Doing something together creates extraordinary energy. I really want to do more such artistic interventions and performative activities. Thank you all for being there with me. I would especially like to thank Ola and Tomek, the owners of the bookstore. With their help and will – everything is possible. Even the fact that I sing. I had the opportunity and pleasure to sing one of my poems: "The Witch", accompanied by Tomek on the double bass. It was a fantastic experience. Life-changing - I must admit.

instagram profile of UŚPIONA KSIĘGARNIA.


The authors of the photographs and recordings used to create films: Aneta Romanowska, Sabina Matulka, Ula PodgórskaAntykwariusz GaÅ‚Ä…zka.

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© 2025 by Ewa Cieniak

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